Day 1: Combinatorial Christmas 2022

This is a copy of the the index for this series.

As my research takes a final pivot over into the land of combinatorial optimisation with a colleague I figured it might be a nice idea to do an advent calendar of blog posts about combinatorial optimisation An idea which I’m of course shamelessly cribbing from the .

Since I have deadlines to hit, I will have to do this economically so I’m counting this announcement and creating the outline and initial research as the first day. My currently planned rough structure is as follows:

You can see place holder posts below if reading before 2022-12-24 and can directly dive into the calendar if you are from the future - I hope the Ukraine war is over by then.

Слава Україні! And Happy Holidays!

Edit from the future: I got covid on day 4 of writing this, which means I will move the schedule to “as soon as done”.